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Sacraments and Rites

Worship Service

We have regular Holy Communion every Sundays @ 7PM. We practice Open Communion like any other MCC worldwide. It means you don't have to be a member of this Church to receive Communion since Christ invites everyone to his table. Come, taste and see!

Sacrament of Baptism

We believe in the baptism by immersion, sprinkling or pouring depending on the need or circumstance of the faithful. We renew baptism every year to remember our commitment to Jesus Christ through our community and loved ones. We don't force especially if the person is not ready. We baptize either by water or by the Holy Spirit

Rite of Attaining Membership

One needs to attend regulary, attend a Membership Class, study our Statement of Faith and our Local By-Laws

Rite of Blessing of Persons

If a person or couple would like to be blessed no matter who they are, whether LGBTQ+ or not, we can bless them or their relationship to center it to Jesus Christ and if they are not yet ready for the Rite of Holy Union

Rite of Holy Unioin

Rite of Layng On Of Hands/Annointing the Sick

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Rite of Funeral Service

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